A family finds their lives turned upside down when a teenage con artist shows up on their doorstep, claiming she’s a distant relative. No Good Nick featuring Siena Agudong, Lauren Lindsey Donzis, and Kalama Epstein is streaming on Netflix starting Monday, August 5, 2019. The tv show is directed by Andy Fickman.
Netflix release date | Monday, August 5, 2019 |
Time | 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT |
Stream | Netflix |
Starring | Siena Agudong, Lauren Lindsey Donzis, and Kalama Epstein |
Genre | Comedy |
Rating | TV-PG |
No Good Nick is a comedy tv show with a N/A score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of ( votes).
IMDb | |
RottenTomatoes | N/A |
MetaCritic |
Parental Rating
Here is what parents to know – No Good Nick parental rating is TV-PG. A PG content rating means parents are urged to give "parental guidance, as some material may not be suitable for young children.
Watch No Good Nick trailer below to get you pumped for the release.
You can view the Netflix’s No Good Nick official page. Be sure to check out all of the new releases coming to Netflix in August 2019.