Raat Akeli Hai is a Netflix Original movie directed by Honey Trehan. The movie stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Radhika Apte, Aditya Srivastav and Padmavati Rao. This crime movie was originally released on Friday, July 31, 2020 and currently has 7.4 rating on IMDb.
Is Raat Akeli Hai on Netflix?
Yes, Raat Akeli Hai is on Netflix. You can stream Raat Akeli Hai on Netflix starting Friday, July 31, 2020 at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover everything released on July 31st and what’s new on Netflix in July 2020.
Below you can view Raat Akeli Hai plot, streaming info, reviews, trailer, and much more about the movie.
Netflix release date | July 31, 2020 |
Time | 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT |
Stream | Netflix |
Starring | Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Radhika Apte, Aditya Srivastav and Padmavati Rao |
Genre | Crime |
Rating | TV-MA |
Movie summary
The film follows a small town cop who is summoned to investigate the death of a politician which gets complicated by the victim’s secretive family and his own conflicted heart.
Raat Akeli Hai is a Netflix Original movie released in 2020. Netflix uses the term "original" to present movies and series that are exclusive to Netflix - cannot be watched anywhere else. About 85% of all new spending on content goes toward original programming. For more information you can view the official website and also Raat Akeli Hai on Netflix.
Watch Raat Akeli Hai trailer below to get you pumped for the release.
Raat Akeli Hai is a crime movie with a N/A score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 7.4 (9,951 votes). The ratings are accurate at the time of writing and are not updated in real-time, but we continue to update Raat Akeli Hai’s ratings frequently.
IMDb | 7.4 |
RottenTomatoes | N/A |
MetaCritic |
Parental Rating
Here is what parents should to know – Raat Akeli Hai parental rating is TV-MA. A TV-MA content rating means that material is unsuitable for children under 17. The program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults. This program may contain one or more of the following: crude indecent language (L), explicit sexual activity (S), or graphic violence (V). R and TV-MA are about equivalent ratings content-wise.
Be sure to check out what's new on Netflix in July 2020.