While attending one of India's premier colleges, three miserable engineering students and best friends struggle to beat the school's draconian system. 3 Idiots featuring...
Imprisoned for underworld crimes she didn't commit, a vengeful woman breaks free and goes scorched earth on the smooth-talking suitor who framed her. Ek...
The relationship between a painter and his admirer unfolds as an abstract, twist-filled hide-and-seek game against the backdrop of murder and revenge. Manu featuring...
Helping an amputee grandmaster settle the score for his tragic past, a grieving detective unravels a conspiracy more complicated than he imagined. Wazir featuring...
When a terrorist escapes custody, MI-5 director Harry Pearce becomes the scapegoat. But the wily veteran still has some spycraft tricks up his sleeve....
A young impoverished woman learns she's been predestined to change the fate of the universe after a genetically engineered hunter tracks her down. Jupiter...